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Local intersection ranks among the least safe in the country

On Behalf of | Dec 26, 2019 | Car Accidents |

An intersection in Austin recently received notoriety after a not-for-profit group dubbed it the sixth most dangerous intersection in the country. According to the report, the interchange of Interstate 35 and William Cannon Drive experienced 25 separate car accidents between 2016 and 2018. In all, there were 80 accident victims at this intersection, although the report did not discuss either the causes of the accidents or how extensive the injuries were. Major intersections in other Texas cities also did not fare well on the report. For instance, Interstate 75 at Interstate 635 in Houston experienced 24 accidents with a total of 76 victims.

The William Cannon Drive intersection might be a good spot to avoid during the holiday rush. However, chances are that at some point those who live in and around Austin are going to have to travel through this important intersection. When they do so, it would be a good idea to pass through this area slowly and attentively. After all, part of the problem with the intersection may be that traffic backs up unexpectedly or people change lanes with little to no warning.

Even a split second of distraction, whether due to technology or otherwise, can cause a serious or even deadly accident with another vehicle. Moreover, one collision on the interstate will often lead to a chain reaction crash involving multiple vehicles and accident victims. An Austin resident who has been injured on one of the city’s interstates or urban roads may have an uphill battle with respect to recovering compensation for expenses like medical expenses and lost wages. Getting the right information about legal options is crucial.



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