Divorce is a difficult topic to broach. Not only is it hard for you and your co-parent to cope with, but you have to worry about your child, too. After all, the divorce will affect them through the rest of their life.
But is there any good way to break news about divorce? Is there a best practice you can use to tackle this with?
Give them time
Psychology Today discusses how to break news of divorce to your child. The first thing is not to wait or put off the discussion. No parent wants to have this talk. But you are actually doing your child a disservice by waiting, even if you think you are “giving them more time” to enjoy a “normal” life.
What a child needs is time and space to process everything happening to them. They cannot get this if you do not tell them about a divorce plan until the moment you intend to enact it.
Cooperation is key
Next, do as much as possible together with your co-parent. Do not work against them. Do not have separate talks with your child. If it is about the divorce, always talk to them together. This presents a unified front that can reassure your child that things are not so different. It also allows you to keep an eye on each other and make sure bitter feelings are not taking over.
You can even consult a mediator or legal professional about ideas on how to tackle this conversation. Whatever you decide on, always remember that it is most important to reassure your child of your love and support for them.