If you and your spouse are parents facing divorce, a major concern will be how best to raise your children and help them adjust.
Children are a top priority in the state of Texas and the legislature proved it by passing the Children’s Bill of Rights.
About the legislation
The Children’s Bill of Rights is a list of 31 guidelines for parents to follow in their relationship with their children due to a divorce or custody dispute. The objective is to protect the well-being of children as they learn to live between two homes in a post-divorce world. The court encourages parents to share the Children’s Bill of Rights with grandparents and any other adults who are part of the children’s lives.
Highlights of the bill
As stated in the legislation, “each child has the right to live in a safe, healthy, and comfortable home in which the child is treated with respect.” The bill goes on to state that a child should be free from abuse and neglect. Moreover, the child should receive adequate and healthy food, and have access to appropriate medical services and a quality education.
Other guidelines
The bill lists dos and don’ts. For example, it states that children should freely receive communications from both parents. However, it warns parents against criticizing each other, manipulating the children or allowing them to hear parental arguments. Additionally, parents should never use a form of discipline that demeans the children.
About violations
You may wish to seek legal guidance if the Children’s Bill of Rights becomes part of your divorce or child custody proceedings. The court is serious about protecting the rights of children and can impose penalties on parents who violate the provisions of this Texas bill.