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How can you resolve conflict with your co-parent?

On Behalf of | Dec 6, 2022 | Child Custody |

If you have children, your divorce does not change your responsibility to your children. Unfortunately, divorces often end with negative feelings, making co-parenting more difficult for both parties.

If you struggle to work with your former spouse, there are ways that you can resolve conflict and continue to work together for the best interests of your children.

Do not question parenting techniques unless necessary

If you do not want your spouse questioning your parenting methods 24-7, you should be careful about how much you critique. If your co-parent does anything to harm your child, you should always defend your children’s health and safety, but do not criticize every parenting decision. You both should have control over your parenting decisions.

If you feel frustrated by your former spouse, vent to your friends or family. Do not vent in front of your children.

Offer to work through conflict regularly

If you have problems with your former spouse, you should ask him or her to attend conflict transformation sessions. You can meet with an objective third party to help facilitate sessions with your ex. Bring up your concerns at the sessions. These meetings should allow you to learn how to cooperate and find resolutions to any conflict. You do not want to air your grievances simply, instead, you should work towards coming up with satisfying solutions to your conflict.

When you work with your ex to parent your children, you must learn to compromise and see situations from the other party’s perspective. Working together peacefully sets an excellent example for your kids.



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