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What are your rights as a parent concerning medical care and school?

On Behalf of | Jan 18, 2023 | Child Custody |

Unless a court limits your parental rights, you have certain things you have access to as a parent. You should pay attention to your court orders because a judge can limit legal custody rights, which is where the court could restrict your ability to be active in the medical care and schooling of your child.

In the absence of any regulation of your rights, Texas law gives you certain specific authority over information concerning your child in these areas.

Medical care access

The law states that you have the right as a parent to access all medical records concerning your children. You also should have access to information from the other parent about your child’s health, and the ability to consult with medical caregivers who treat your child. You also have the right to approve treatment or care for your child.

School information access

Another area that you have the right to access is school information. The school must allow you to be on the child’s records as an emergency contact. You have the right to access his or her school records. You can participate in school activities, such as field trips or in-class help. You have the ability to meet with school officials to discuss your child’s education.

Your parenting plan will specify the specific access you have to these rights. Once a court signs off on any plan, it becomes binding, so it could change these rights. Be aware that any court order takes precedence over the basic state law. However, absent specific details in your plan on these points, the law dictates your rights.


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