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Managing social media use during a divorce

On Behalf of | Jul 20, 2023 | Divorce |

Divorce in and of itself is a challenge, and you may find that the challenges can become more complex when social media gets involved. Most people know that speaking poorly about your spouse online is never a good idea. However, what about posting pictures?

You may want to share pictures of your children online, but can your spouse forbid you from posting pictures of your kids?

Respect privacy concerns

Social media platforms offer an easy way to share your life with friends and family, but remember to respect your children’s privacy. Your spouse may raise valid concerns about potential risks and privacy issues when you post images of your children online.

Establishing a social media agreement

You and your spouse might consider drawing up a social media agreement. This agreement can lay out the types of photos you can share and any restrictions you should follow. For example, if your spouse worries that strangers will have access to pictures of the children, create a social media account that has strong privacy controls and where you only accept close friends and family members as friends. You can also request that no one share the pictures you post.

Facing possible legal consequences

If a spouse can demonstrate harm or potential harm to the children, they may ask a court to prevent you from posting pictures of the children.

Navigating a divorce requires responsible social media use. Although you may want to share photos online, it is important to respect your spouse’s concerns and your children’s privacy. By respecting your spouse’s feelings and working to find a solution, you can help keep your co-parenting relationship as smooth as possible.


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