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Limited Scope Representation In Texas Divorce And Child Custody Litigation

On Behalf of | Apr 23, 2017 | Child Custody, Divorce |

Limited scope representation can offer a valuable alternative for clients going through Texas divorce or child custody litigation. In most circumstances a retainer of only a few hours of prepaid time is required, as opposed to a more substantial retainer. Limited scope representation permits clients to have more control over the tasks to be performed in their case and, hence, the amount of time and attorney’s fees incurred. This article explains limited scope representation, including what it is and the advantages of this arrangement.

1. What is limited scope representation?

Limited scope representation occurs when the attorney agrees to provide services to the client on an as needed, task by task basis. Typically, a client will want me to review case information, draft pleadings and other documents, provide analysis and advice, or answer questions. For example, a client will need help finalizing a Texas divorce or child custody case, whether uncontested or contested, and will hire me to draft the final paperwork and closing documents. Or a client will need assistance to prepare for a contested hearing or trial. There are many other examples where limited scope representation can apply.

It is helpful to understand the difference between limited scope and traditional legal representation. In traditional legal representation, the attorney makes an official appearance in the case on behalf of the client and, accordingly, notifies both the court and all opposing parties or counsel. After this appearance all communications from the court or opposing counsel are directed exclusively to the attorney. The attorney would then be responsible for communicating on behalf of the client and representing the client’s interests at any subsequent hearings or at trial.

In limited scope representation, however, no formal appearance is made by the attorney in the case. This means that neither the court nor (usually) the opposing parties or counsel will know that the attorney is even involved. All communications from the court and opposing counsel would continue to be made directly to the client and the client would still be responsible for representing himself or herself at any hearings or at trial.

2. What are the advantages to limited scope representation?

The biggest advantage is the lower cost: because the attorney’s involvement is limited, fees are typically much lower than in traditional legal representation. Limited scope representation can therefore provide affordable access to an experienced Texas family law attorney, which can prove instrumental in satisfactorily resolving your Texas divorce or child custody case.

3. What steps do I need to take if I am interested in limited scope representation?

If you are interested in limited scope representation, contact Roles Law, PC today to schedule your free consultation.



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