Alimony And Maintenance
Certain factors are considered when “maintenance” or alimony is awarded, including the length of your marriage, sources of income, employability, assets and debts, opportunity for future income and age. Unfortunately, maintenance can be one of the most difficult issues to resolve when it comes to divorce.
In Texas, maintenance is the legal term for what is also commonly known as “alimony” or “spousal support” in other states. Maintenance ensures that both spouses are financially supported after a divorce is finalized. If you are requesting support from a former spouse or have received a notification that you are responsible for paying maintenance, contact our office.
We will work alongside you to protect your rights and help alleviate the financial stress that can often accompany this difficult time.
Establishing Alimony Payments
There are a number of factors that come into play when establishing spousal maintenance in Texas, including:
- Each party’s financial resources and ability to provide for their basic needs.
- Each party’s education and employment skills.
- The length of the marriage.
- Whether either party is paying child support.
- Whether either party contributed to the education or training of the other spouse.
- Acts of adultery or cruelty.
- Whomever was the homemaker during the course of the marriage.
As an experienced spousal maintenance lawyer, Mark C. Roles can help in seeking the best outcome for you by ensuring that the judge has a clear understanding of your situation.
Amount of Support
In Texas, a monthly support payment may not exceed $5,000, or 20% of the paying spouse’s average gross monthly income, whichever is less. Schedule a consultation with us today and see what a difference a knowledgeable alimony lawyer can make when it comes to stabilizing your financial situation during the divorce process.
Experience You Can Trust When The Future Seems Uncertain
The Roles Law, PC represent families in Cedar Park and throughout central Texas struggling with spousal maintenance issues. Call 512-219-0500 to schedule your free consultation.