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What are some basic questions about car accident cases?

On Behalf of | Feb 7, 2019 | Car Accidents |

Austin sees a number of car accidents every year, so it is fortunate that the vast majority are only “fender benders.” The fact is, there is a very real possibility that anyone involved in a car accident can suffer minor or even serious injuries. In the worst of these accidents, there is a fatality. When Texas residents are injured in car accidents, they may have legal options to explore. So, what are some basics questions about a personal injury claim that our readers should have answered?

Well, for starters, it is important to understand that a personal injury case can be complex. While many cases end in a settlement rather than a courtroom trial, there are still many steps along the way. Evidence needs to be gathered, the appropriate defendants need to be identified for the case and, after the lawsuit is filed, injured victims need to persuade the other side that it simply isn’t worth the fight.

Next, injured victims need to understand that the other driver might not be the only party at fault for the injuries they sustained. What if the victim’s airbag did not deploy like it should have? What if the seatbelt broke? In these situations, an injured victim may have a claim against the manufacturer of the vehicle.

Injured car accident victims in the Austin area should know that they may be able to pursue a lawsuit to recover financial compensation. While they may understand some basics about the process, each case is unique.



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