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How can drivers start seeing motorcycles?

On Behalf of | May 23, 2019 | Uncategorized |

We’ve all seen the bumper stickers urging us to start seeing motorcyclists, but what does that mean exactly?

Here are a few ways drivers can be mindful of two-wheeled traffic when traveling throughout Austin:

Be mindful of bikes

This one is perhaps the easiest fix for most drivers, but simply remembering that bikes are on the road can be a huge help. Too often, drivers just don’t watch for the smaller stature of a motorcycle when looking for other vehicles.

By keeping bikes in mind while driving, you can better spot them when making lane changes or turns.

Double-check before you go

Too often, we look both ways for cars only before making a turn or merging into traffic. Get into the habit of double checking before turning. Look once for cars and then do a second scan for smaller vehicles.

When you do see a motorcycle, assume it’s closer than you think it is. The distance between a car and a motorcycle can also be difficult to gauge correctly, especially at higher speeds. It’s much better to wait a few extra seconds on a turn than to cut off a cyclist going 65 MPH.

Phones down

This goes without saying but keeping cell phones safely stowed will not only help you see motorcycles but the entire road. If you need to use GPS to get somewhere, set up the trip before you begin your drive.

Pick a playlist or music you’ll be okay listening to throughout your trip and put your phone on silent. By keeping your eyes off a screen and on the road, you’ll be a safer and more attentive driver.

Dealing with an accident

Motorcycles have every right to the roads that other vehicles do, and by being mindful and looking for them drivers can help cut down on the number of accidents and near-misses that happen daily.

Nobody’s perfect, and even the most cautious driver can be involved in an accident. If you’re in an accident with a motorcyclist or another car, speaking with an attorney may be in your best interest.



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