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Car accidents: Texas has fatal crash everyday for over 19 years

On Behalf of | Nov 20, 2019 | Uncategorized |

A car crash can change a family’s life in an instant. Not every accident proves fatal, but those that do happen much too frequently. It is such a common occurrence in some places that officials are taking notice.

In Texas, at least one fatal crash has happened every single day since November 8th, 2000. TxDOT and other lawmakers want to see that change. They launched an awareness campaign in the hopes that they can reduce the number of fatal car accidents.

TxDOT and #EndtheStreakTX

Statistics say that Texas averages 10 deaths every day due to car accidents. The state Transportation Commissioner created the “Texas Tag 10 Challenge” in which citizens are encouraged to tell 10 people about the state’s efforts to stop troubling trend and to further ask each of those ten people to tell then more. The hope is that citizens all over the state will commit to safer driving practices to prevent future deaths.

Besides raising public awareness, TxDOT intends to spend $600 million more on safety measures to improve road conditions. The hope is that the two-prong approach of engaging the public and changing roadways will reduce fatalities. The Commissioner has a very ambitious goal in mind, but she remains optimistic. She wants to eliminate fatal car crashes in Texas by the year 2050, and she hopes to cut the number in half by 2035, just over 15 years away.

Aiming high to save lives

There are several tips that TxDOT has for drivers who want to stop these fatal accidents. They include wearing seat belts, driving sober, following speed limits and avoiding distracted driving habits, such as using a cell phone while driving. These measures help to address what officials say are the causes of most fatal car crashes.

Since November 2000, nearly 67,000 people died in fatal car accidents. While state agencies promise to do their part in improving Texas roads, they hope the public will join them in these prevention efforts. Officials want to stress to all residents that stopping fatal crashes is everyone’s responsibility.

Crashes will still occur

As honorable as these efforts may be, fatal car accidents will still happen, and when they do, the impact on a family cannot be overstated. If you or someone you know lost a loved one to a deadly car crash, statistics don’t really matter. You deserve to hold those responsible accountable for their action or inaction.



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