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For a number of reasons, January is aptly called “Divorce Month”

On Behalf of | Jan 9, 2020 | Divorce |

Many people, including those who work in the world of family law, say that there is a lot of truth to January being “Divorce Month,” that is, the time during which it seems many people in the Austin area choose to pursue, or get involved in, a divorce.

Indeed, there is some empirical data which backs up January’s status as a Divorce Month. For one, new divorce filings are about 30 percent higher than what one would expect in a typical month. Moreover, based on data from Google, more people tend to search for information about divorce in the early part of January, although some of this could be due to high-profile divorce cases hitting the news cycle during this time.

There are a number of reasons why January may be a popular month for pursuing a divorce or, for that matter, the end of a non-marital relationship.

For one, many people who have kids may try to hold off breaking up their homes right around the time of the holidays. They may think of this as making the split emotionally easier on the children and waiting can also reduce the chance of conflicts over custody and visitation right in the middle of the holidays.

On the other hand, starting the process in January can give parents a reasonable shot at having the dust settled so their kids can get a fresh start at the beginning of their next school year.

With respect to property division, child support and the like, divorcing in January may also carry with it certain financial advantages for Texas residents. Those who are interested to know more about how timing can affect one’s rights should consider speaking with a family law attorney.



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