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What is parental alienation syndrome?

On Behalf of | Oct 23, 2020 | Child Custody |

Texas parents often struggle to adapt in the aftermath of a divorce. You may have a hard time coming to terms with the new parenting schedule or having to divide time with your child.

Unfortunately, some people take this unhappiness with their current situation to an extreme. They may attempt to sabotage parent-child relationships and damage their own child in the process.

Why does parental alienation happen?

Healthline takes an in-depth look at parental alienation syndrome. This is the result of parental alienation. Parental alienation occurs when one parent drives a wedge between their child and ex-spouse. The alienated parent has done nothing to deserve such treatment.

Parental alienation syndrome (PAS) is what your child suffers from if they get targeted by an alienating parent. They often struggle to maintain ties with the alienated parent and grow reluctant to spend time with them. If pressed, they cannot give a good answer as to why they do not want to spend time with the alienated parent.

How does PAS affect children?

They may suffer from feelings of confusion, guilt and self-blame. They also suffer from the negative effects of psychological abuse and manipulation. Parental alienation is a form of manipulative abuse and leaves lasting scars on the victims. For example, many children of PAS suffer from trust issues later in life. They struggle to form bonds and connect with peers. They may even suffer from depression or anxiety.

These are just some of the reasons that alienated parents take their cases to court. If caught early enough, damage from PAS is reversible.



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