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What does co-parenting mean?

On Behalf of | Mar 31, 2021 | Child Custody |

When you divorce or end your relationship with the other parent of your child, you both have to find a way to work together to parent your child. Known as co-parenting, this new relationship requires a lot of work.

Help Guide explains one of the keys to making co-parenting work is learning to put your child’s needs ahead of your own. A solid co-parenting relationship will have some key characteristics.


To work together effectively, you must be able to compromise. You both cannot have things your way all the time. You will have to figure out how to meet in the middle and make choices that are best for your child, even if you do not completely agree.


To make things work, you and the other parent need to provide consistency in how you interact with your child. This includes making rules that are similar and using the same discipline methods. You also need to back each other up when it comes to discipline.

Consistency also means following similar schedules as much as possible. This is especially important if you have younger children.


You and the other parent must learn how to separate your personal relationship from your relationship as co-parents. A co-parenting relationship focuses on the child. You will have to develop a new relationship and leave behind whatever happened that ended your romantic relationship.

It can help to only look at the person as your child’s other parent. This can make it easier to push feelings aside that you may have for him or her.

Co-parenting a child is working together to raise a healthy, happy and well-adjusted human. It requires work, but it is doable in almost every situation.



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