How to parent children after a divorce can become a difficult issue to solve. Much of your parenting plan boils down to how well you get along with your ex-spouse. If you have difficulties with communication or interacting amicably, you may need to consider parallel parenting instead of co-parenting.
According to CoParenter, parallel parenting works when you have a high-conflict relationship but shared custody.
How do you attend functions when parallel parenting?
If your children have extra-curricular or school events, how can you attend? Attend these functions separately. For example, if you have teacher conferences, you do not both need to go. If your children have a concert or sports match, you can arrive and sit separately from one another. Instead of communicating with your ex about important events, talk directly to the school or your children. You should not rely on each other for information.
How can you communicate while parallel parenting?
No matter your parenting style, you will have to communicate with your former spouse. Fortunately, technology makes it easy to have fewer in-person conversations. Try to keep your conversations constrained to email or text messages. All messages should remain quick and brief. Think of your relationship as a professional one. You do not need to communicate during your parenting time unless there is a medical emergency.
For some parents, parallel parenting does not have to be black and white. For instance, some parents may be fine meeting to pick up and drop off the children but cannot sit together during school functions. You should determine the situation that works best for your relationship.