Sustaining a blow to your head could cause extensive injuries. You may not know right away how your everyday life will change because traumatic brain injuries take time to heal.
In a best-case scenario, even minor head injuries can take you out of work for some time. In serious cases, you may not be able to return to your former job and may endure permanent disability.
Assessing your condition
Aside from any plans for your future, your immediate focus after a TBI should revolve around your recovery. According to Everyday Health, a TBI could take months or even years to recover from. Many factors affect the likelihood of you making a full recovery. These may include the location of the impact, the force of the blow, your prior health history and the accessibility of rehabilitative resources.
Once you get past the first few hurdles of recovery, your medical team may have a clearer picture of how your TBI will affect your everyday life. If you desire to return to work, you can collaborate with your health care provider to determine how much work you can safely and reasonably do.
Understanding your potential
If you have maintained a relationship with your former employer, you might ask them which job openings they have available. Perhaps you can negotiate with them to modify your work as you continue to recover. You may even have the option of switching roles or reducing your work hours until you can take on more responsibility.
If your disability prevents you from returning to your former job, you may choose to participate in vocational rehabilitation where you can get help assessing which transferrable skills you possess. Even with the uncertainty of a TBI, you can put your best foot forward as you work toward fulfilling your desire to return to the workforce.