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What are the legal requirements for auto insurance?

On Behalf of | Nov 4, 2021 | Injuries |

Texas requires all drivers to carry liability insurance on their vehicles. By law, you must have the minimum required insurance coverage or you could face issues if you get into an accident.

The Texas Department of Insurance explains the requirement is only for liability coverage, which is insurance that covers the damage you do to another vehicle or injuries you cause in an accident in which you are at fault. It will not pay for your damages from an accident.

Liability requirement

To be legal, you must have 30/60/25 coverage. What this means is you have $30,000 coverage for injuries per person and $60,000 coverage for injuries per accident with $25,000 in coverage for property damage. This is the minimum you must have. You can get more insurance coverage if you want, but you will be legal with the 30/60/25 coverage.

Other coverage

In an accident, liability may not be enough to cover the damages and injuries. If the other party does not have coverage, you may end up having to pay for your own damages. If you have collision coverage, it will pay for your damages even if you are not at fault. You also could get uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage which pays when you get into an accident with someone who does not have insurance or whose insurance is not enough to pay for your damage.

While the state requires you to have the minimum coverage, additional coverage may be the smart idea to make sure you have protection if you end up in an accident with someone not in compliance with the law.


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