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Texas ranks second in the nation for road rage

On Behalf of | Dec 8, 2021 | Car Accidents |

You may feel as if Texas has more than its fair share of rude or aggressive drivers, and research shows that you are correct. Texas is among the worst states in the nation for road rage, and road rage is a frequent factor in many car crashes that result in at least one injury or fatality.

According to Bankrate, road rage is a factor in more than half of all U.S. car wrecks that result in at least one death. Studies also show that road rage incidents lead to an average of 1,800 injuries and 30 fatalities every year. Texas currently ranks second in the nation in terms of the number of road rage incidents involving firearms that take place on its roads, trailing only behind California.

Common road rage behaviors

Tailgating, intentionally bumping another vehicle or making aggressive gestures at other motorists may constitute road rage. If another driver intentionally blocks you from changing lanes or getting off the highway, this may also fall under the “road rage” header. Honking at or cutting off other drivers may also be indicative of road rage in the eyes of Texas law.

Common road rage risk factors

Research shows that certain risk factors make road rage incidents more likely. Young, male drivers are the most frequent offenders. Road rage is also more common during the summer months and during the hours of 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. when more drivers are often sharing the same roads.

Drivers who exhibit road range and then cause injuries or fatalities may face serious sanctions.


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