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Data highlights the dangers pedestrians face

On Behalf of | Jun 18, 2022 | Injuries |

Walking can help you save money and get exercise, but it is important to understand the risks you face near traffic. If struck by a vehicle, you could suffer debilitating injuries that impact your life in numerous ways. Sadly, cars hit pedestrians far too frequently.

It is essential for pedestrians (as well as drivers) to review data on pedestrian accidents in order to understand how prevalent they are and what risk factors increase the likelihood that such an accident will occur.

Statistics on pedestrian injuries and fatal accidents

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that, throughout 2020, pedestrian accidents resulting in nonfatal injuries lead to 104,000 visits to emergency departments, according to estimates. Furthermore, pedestrian accidents claimed over 7,000 lives in 2020, and one out of every six traffic fatalities involved one or more pedestrians.

Pedestrian accident risk factors

Speeding increases the odds that an automobile will hit a pedestrian. Additionally, when pedestrian accidents involve speeding vehicles, pedestrians have a higher chance of sustaining more serious injuries. Alcohol played a role in 46% of all fatal pedestrian accidents in 2019, and a majority of these deadly incidents took place during the night, outside of intersections and on urban roads. Pedestrians over 65 and under 15 are especially likely to lose their lives.

While walking, you can wear reflective clothing to increase visibility and should always try to use sidewalks and cross the road in designated crosswalks, if possible. Sadly, even if you are very cautious while walking near roads, you could become injured as a result of a driver’s negligence.


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