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Traffic accidents and traumatic brain injuries

On Behalf of | May 17, 2023 | Injuries |

If you hit your head in a car crash, it is important to seek medical attention immediately and determine whether you suffered a brain injury. Some traffic collisions result in traumatic brain injuries, which could disrupt your life in many ways, especially if you do not receive proper treatment or realize the extent of damage right away.

If you are dealing with a TBI diagnosis, make sure you understand how this injury could affect you.

The impact of a traumatic brain injury

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke discusses the consequences of traumatic brain injuries. According to the NINDS, accidents that involve vehicles rank as the third leading cause of TBIs. This includes motor vehicle collisions as well as bicycle and pedestrian accidents. TBIs can cause headaches, seizures, slurred speech and blurred vision. You could suffer brain damage, have difficulty remembering things and struggle with sleeping. Emotional issues can also arise, such as anxiety and depression.

Sometimes, victims recover from TBIs relatively quickly, while others face long-term complications.

Other challenges due to traumatic brain injuries

Aside from physical and mental hardships, a TBI could affect other facets of your life. Depending on the extent of your injury, you could become unable to work, leading to financial problems. You could also face financial hurdles as a result of medical costs. Depending on your age, you could encounter other setbacks. For example, children who suffer TBIs could struggle in school, while older adults might lose the ability to live independently.

If you find yourself struggling with a brain injury or any other hardships due to an accident caused by a driver’s negligence, make sure you hold the driver accountable.



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